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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

Why My Content Doesn’t Sell-Marketing Mistakes

You have great content, but there are no visitors to your blog. You may ask yourself, why my content done’s sell. In general, great content is not always content that will help you achieve your objectives. Great content does not always lead to selling.

Isn’t it too harsh on you? But it is true. Many bloggers give up within 1 year.

Let’s imagine…

You wrote the most helpful, interesting content on your blog and make no money from it simply because you haven’t written the content in a way that makes sales.

The most productive content is always written with the blog’s or business objective in mind, whether that’s increasing your mailing list, finding leads, or just making money through the Ads or affiliates links.

content marketing mistakes

Marketing mistakes

What are the typical mistakes?

Before we start talking about content that does sell, let’s take a look at a few mistakes people typically make.

No or weak call-to-action.

When you have no call-to-action in your posts, or your call-to-action is weak, you’re basically wasting your time. Visitors can’t read the purpose of the post that you sell. They just scroll your posts and leave.

Off-topic content.

You may be tempted to add content to your blog that isn’t related to your main topic as a way to try to draw more traffic.

Was it successful?

This only weakens your position in the search engines and offers you little to no benefit to your leads or sales.

Also, you might lose your genuine readers. Your readers are confused about what you are talking about, and the content you wrote, doesn’t help your readers.

Content that goes on too long.

It can be a controversial topic. Of course, search engines love the long blog posts. Some people even love long content.

But creating long content is the only purpose of getting traffic, it will not work. Especially if that content drags on so long, and is so boring, that people leave before they have a chance to see your call-to-action.

Content does not toward to your goals.

Some people believe that any content is good content because it’s another article that can draw traffic.

But it’s a waste of your time to write content that isn’t specifically geared toward helping you achieve your business’s goals.

Useless popups or other interruptions.

Please do not include unnecessary popups on your blog post. I understand that you want to more push to sell to make profits. So you add interstitial ads or any other type of interrupter for anything that isn’t directly going to achieve your main business goals.

For example, there are many well-known online magazines. The main reason I was annoyed, is I cannot finish reading one article, because I have to close the Ads tap so many times for only one article. Even the popup ads covered the content I was reading. There are many same articles online I can find, so I leave if there are too many Ads on it.

Like in my case, You’ll upset visitors and potentially lose them. Instead, save those interrupters for times when you are trying to achieve your goals, such as getting more email subscribers or selling a product.

Well, you know some of the mistakes you might make that could cause your content to fail. I have been there too. I recap those mistakes and I am trying to correct my content for my blog goals to achieve.

Let me emphasize that!

Your mission is to help you reach the goals you have set for your business.

Now, it’s time to take a look at the best way to create content that does sell.

Start from scratch to look at your contents


It is never enough to say that. The first thing you must decide is what exactly your main and sub-main goals are for your business.

It might be mainly to sell a particular product or service, perhaps with a sub-main goal of building your email list.

Maybe it’s the other way around. You’d prefer to focus on building your email list with the sub-main goal of getting sales.

Try out the right types of content writing.

Once you’ve decided on your goals, you can figure out what type of content you should create to best reach your goals.

Let me explain with examples.

You want to focus on building your email list, or memberships as a Yoga professional. Each piece of content you post should specifically be geared toward building your list.

For example, you have a lead magnet called “10 yoga poses to release your stress from work” You’d want to create content specifically that focuses on poses to improve one’s mental health. So you could have a call-to-action asking people to subscribe for a free copy of your lead magnet(Yoga poses).

2. You want to focus on Weigh loss and fitness blog. Why don’t you try a number of different types of content you can write? Specifically, the contents relate to your lead magnet. If you create different types of content later, you might want to first create a lead magnet that matches it, if you think it will attract more subscribers.

For example, you’re writing content that covers several different types of weight loss. You’ve been concentrating on the low carb diet, and your current lead magnet is a list of foods that are good for each phase of the low carb diet, and ideas for snacks and meals.

However, you are writing content that focuses on raw food. People might be less interested in your content because many healthy diets prefer cooked or processed food in some way. Thus, you’d need to create a brand new lead magnet that focused specifically on the raw food diet.

You might ask “I don’t have a lead magnet, I am new to the blog world”

Let’s try this way…

Find lead magnet

What if you don’t have a lead magnet for a particular topic and would rather not create one?

Well, you could instead find an inexpensive paid product to promote, or just have a generic opt-in box that says something like, “Enter your name and email address for more information about the raw food diet.”

Another example, I would like to explain is finding a lead magnet. If you are focusing on stock images for your blog. There are many creative template products. You can buy the inexpensive template and start to create a pin or Instagram post template to sell. That can be your lead magnet and your own products. The best tool for creation is Canva which helped me save time and inspiration.

For more information about creating images or design templates, please read the article “Graphics made easy: Canva review”. Also, you can get my CTA image templates.

Why don’t you try?

With your own creation, you can write many different types of blog posts. Those posts can have your lead magnet.

In Conclusion.

The blog is a business. Writing great content isn’t necessarily enough to get you the results you are aiming for.

You have to craft that content specifically to get results by creating content that naturally leads users to want to take action.

Always write your content with your goal in mind. Whether your primary goal is to sell a product, grow your mailing list, or even make money from advertising on your site, content should be written with the goal in mind. Don’t forget you can have multiple call-to-action in a single article.


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