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What is the monthly review and review prompts

It's getting close to the end of the month. You might think about the monthly review. So What is the monthly review? A monthly review is a reflective practice where you assess and evaluate the events, achievements, challenges, and experiences of the past month.

It's a time set aside to look back, take stock of your progress, and make adjustments to your goals and strategies if necessary.

A monthly review can be a personal or professional activity, depending on your goals and the context in which you're conducting the review.

Monthly review page template design by arisu chris
Monthly review page layout

How to conduct a monthly review

  1. Review Goals: Look at the goals you set for the month. Did you achieve them? If not, why? Understanding the reasons behind unmet goals can help you adjust your approach and set more realistic goals in the future.

  2. Assess Achievements: Consider your accomplishments, both big and small. Celebrate your successes and acknowledge the effort you put into achieving your goals.

  3. Identify Challenges: Reflect on the challenges you faced during the month. What obstacles did you encounter? How did you overcome them? What did you learn from these challenges?

  4. Evaluate Habits: If you're working on building new habits or breaking old ones, assess your progress. Are your habits becoming more ingrained? If not, what can you do differently?

  5. Track Personal Growth: Reflect on how you've grown personally and professionally. Have you acquired new skills? Have you gained a better understanding of yourself or others?

  6. Gratitude Practice: Consider the things you're grateful for during the month. Practicing gratitude can foster a positive mindset and improve your overall well-being.

  7. Evaluate Time Management: Review how you spend your time. Did you use your time effectively? Identify time-wasting activities and consider how you can manage your time better in the future.

  8. Emotional Check-In: Reflect on your emotions and moods throughout the month. Were there patterns in your emotional state? Understanding your emotions can provide valuable insights into your well-being.

  9. Decision Analysis: Consider the decisions you made during the month. Reflect on the outcomes of those decisions and what you've learned from them. This reflection can improve your decision-making skills.

  10. Set New Goals: Based on your reflections, set new goals for the upcoming month. These goals should be realistic, specific, and aligned with your overall objectives.

What should add to my monthly review prompts?

Remember, a monthly review is a personal process, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. You can adapt it to suit your needs and goals. The key is to be honest with yourself, celebrate your achievements, learn from your challenges, and use your reflections to guide your actions in the future.

I have been playing around with different versions of monthly reviews and prompts. Recently, I came up with these topics.

  • What I did for my goal

  • What made me happy

  • What I learned this month and How did it go?

  • My monthly gratitude

  • Monthly events

This year, I have been adding my Arisu Chris Studio-related statistics and plans, such as my drawing projects, digital resources for my Patreon Community, and my YouTube channel "draw with me" plan. These are my biggest goals for this year and next year.

From my experiments, I have some monthly review prompt ideas that I want to share with you.

Monthly review prompts ideas

Journal prompts can be incredibly helpful during your monthly review process. They can guide your reflections and encourage deeper self-awareness.

Here are some prompts you can use for your monthly review journal entries:

Reflection on Achievements:

  • What were my biggest achievements this month, and why are they important to me?

  • What goals did I accomplish, and how did I feel when I achieved them?

Challenges and Obstacles:

  • What challenges did I face this month, and how did I overcome them?

  • What were the biggest obstacles I encountered, and what did I learn from overcoming them?

Habit Assessment:

  • What habits did I work on this month? How consistent was I?

  • Which habits did I successfully establish, and which ones do I need to work on more?

Gratitude Practice:

  • What am I most grateful for this month, and why?

  • Who or what inspired gratitude in me this month?

Emotional Check-In:

  • How would I describe my overall mood this month?

  • Were there specific moments of intense emotion, and what triggered them?

Time Management:

  • How did I manage my time this month? What activities took up most of my time?

  • Did I spend my time on activities that aligned with my goals and values?


  • What significant decisions did I make this month, and what were the outcomes?

  • How did I feel about the decisions I made, and would I make the same choices again?

Personal Growth:

  • In what ways did I grow as a person this month?

  • What new skills or knowledge did I acquire?

Self-Care and Well-being:

  • How did I prioritize self-care this month? What activities brought me peace and relaxation?

  • Did I engage in any activities that negatively impacted my well-being?

Setting Intentions:

  • What are my goals and intentions for the upcoming month?

  • What steps can I take to ensure I work towards these goals?

Lessons Learned:

  • What important life lessons did I learn this month?

  • How can I apply these lessons to my life moving forward?

Random Acts of Kindness:

  • Did I perform any random acts of kindness? How did it make me feel, and how did it impact others?

Feel free to customize these prompts to better suit your personal experiences and goals. Regular reflection using these prompts can provide valuable insights into your life, helping you make informed decisions and work towards your aspirations.

Monthly review page spread Printable

As you have been following me for a while, you know my freebie resource vault for my subscribers. I have renovated the whole site and moved to this site and the Patreon site.

So you can get free resources from my Patreon page. Simple you can follow and you can be notified with my weekly updates and free goodies for your art and planning.

My Monthly review page layout printables are on my Patreon page along with other free goods. Feel free to visit my community page to grab them.


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