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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

Self-reflection Questions at the end of year

I hope you have a great time spent on the Christmas holidays with your family! The Christmas holidays are over now. I start thinking about the reflection of the year and set next year’s goals and habits challenge. I would like to share self-reflection questions you should ask at the end of the year.

While I am asking questions about myself, I hope that I could see my family in Korea next year. For the last 2 years, I couldn’t visit Korea, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Wish this scary situation will be gone in 2022!

Let’s get down to the business!

Anual self-reflection is important when you plan your goals and the habits you want to improve next year.

Generally, I review my goals and habits every week and every month with a few questions. However, I take time (normal 30mins to 60 minutes) for an annual self-reflection. It has detailed and categorized.

These self-reflection questions are more detailed. If you are new to journaling, please read “10 questions for year-end self-reflection”. therefore, you don’t get overwhelmed

The qurestions you can ask on yourself

The questions you can ask on yourself

Year end self-relection questions

Overall year questions

1. Rate the year out of 10

You can rate overall year 1-10 level (10 is the best). You have already done the wheel of life chat, which will help your lever of life rating easily.

If you haven’t got the wheel of life template yet, please click here to read how to set the wheel of life and use a free template

2. Breifly describe the year?

You can write a sentence of this year or the top 3 words you can represent this year

3. Favorite memories of this year?

It can choose one of your monthly review memories or the most significant event.

4. Which lists did I complete my bucket list this year?

If you made bucket lists for your future, it is the best time to revisit your backlist to expend 1 year, 3year, and 5 years in the future.

5. What am I grateful for?

It can be your family, event, your business, and more. You will find the gratefulness around you to make you smile.

6. What habit/challenge did I do well and am I willing to to do again?

Due to pandemic, most group challenge has been transformed into online group challenge. Many people tend to join the challenge because they want to support each other and keep responsibility not to give up. ask yourself on these challenges went well or any improvements.

7. How did I celebrate my birthday?

Every year, my birthday has happy memories, but I hardly celebrated my birthday as I am getting older. If you are the same as me, it is time to celebrate your birthday and say to your parents “Thank you” or take the time with your parents.

8. What goals did I accomplish?

Revisit this year’s goals and tick off them you accomplished.

9. What goals didn’t I complete? Why?

It can be still processed or you gave up. progressing goals are can be added to your next year’s goals. The goal you gave up, you can re-think about the goal. aks yourself “Is this goal realistic?” “Has this goal set action steps detailed?” “Is this goal important for my lifestyle?”

10. What new skills did I try or learn this year?

Write down the skills you’ve to learn and rate your level of mastery.

11. What am I spending too much (or too little) time on? What were this year’s biggest time wasters?

This question will help you to set your “Not-To-Do lists” next year

12. How am I different this year compared to last year? How have I grown?

Life goals are not one-time projects. You want to be a better person and live a better life. That’s why you are planning goals and habits. It is time to compare the previous year and how you have grown. I believe everyone has grown each year. Don’t discourage what you couldn’t do. Rewards yourself what has been growing this year than previous years.

Finance self-reflection

Now open your budget planner for this year, review your year or finance.

With the same method of overall questions, you will be honest with yourself.

  1. Rate your financial progress this year out of 10 (10 being the best)

  2. Did I meet my income goal?

  3. Have I met my savings goal?

  4. Did I meet my expenses goal?

  5. Did I meet my mortgage balance goal?- if you have a morgage)

  6. Did I meet my investments (e.g. shares) goal?

  7. What debts did I pay off, or how much money did I put down against my debts?- if you don’t have debts, you can skip and more focuse on savings or sinking fund

  8. What were the biggest expense items this year?

  9. If you have more than one income, which income earned you the most?

  10. Best purchase of this year?

  11. Worst purchase of this year?

Career or business self-reflection questions

  1. Rate your career/business this year out of 10 (10 being the best)

  2. Are you happy in your current job/ business status?

  3. Did you achieve your work/business goals?

  4. Where do I want to be in 1 year, 3 years and 5 years? What did I do this year that bought me closer to achieving those goals?- More focused on your job or business side, when you think about this question.

  5. What can you change to make your work more enjoyable?

  6. Are you happy with your current responsibilities?


  1. Rate your health this year out of 10 (10 being the best)

  2. How many times did you exercise per week?

  3. On average, how many fruit did you eat each week?

  4. On average, how many vegetables did you eat each week?

  5. Are you happy with your weight?

Habits/ habit challenge

  1. What new habits challenge did I try?

  2. What bad habits did I break and chage to good habits?

Hobbies questions

This category will vary. It depends on your hobbies. I love reading and drawing. I spent my “me-time” reading and drawing. If you love traveling, your hobby may be photographing or video editing, etc.

You can write down a list of your hobby lists and note “how much time spent a month on average” ” what is my favorite part of hobby”

5-minute journaling twice a day self-reflection

5-minute journaling twice a day

Self-reflection can be done regualry

Self-reflection should be done daily, weekly, monthly, annually. That means you can plan goals or projects, track the progress and review the actions that went well/wrong. These 3 steps lead to your success and your dream life.

This year, one of my achievements is journaling. I have been journaling for 5 minutes every morning this year and it went well to motivate myself. Next year I keep doing this journaling and will expend 5minutes journaling twice a day. (morning and evening)

How about you? What is your biggest achievement this year? I would like to hear your opinion. Feel free to leave a comment.

I am sharing my 5 minutes daily journal template (morning and evening) with you. The full digital version of self-love Journal will be launched soon! Our subscribers will get a discount code by newsletter when the product is launched!

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