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How to set up the content goal plan for 2022

Today, as we prepare for 2022, I will share how to plan content goals for 2022. Just like you would set and plan your own goals in your daily life, a contents plan and goals should be set up for 2022

Whether you’re blogging as part of your business, blogging as a lifestyle blog, or simply as a hobby, everyone here will fall in love with communicating with your readers through your blog. Also, many people monetize their blogs, so we are running the blog through more thoughts and plans.

Looking at the Blogging how-to that many bloggers are talking about on YouTube, I had a lot of thoughts. “That’s a story in principle.”

I used to get thirsty for more details. Because there was no mention of examples on how to apply it more practically. Of course, they seemed to be talking easily because they were experts and had a lot of experience and content.

What do you think?

I tried many methods from experts and I found the ways with the practical methods on my own. I am not saying that all the experts are wrong, I am writing this from my personal experience and opinion.

Important of Content goal plan

Important of Content goal plan

Why is setting content goal plan important?

In maintaining a blog, we know it’s important to have a goal in mind. Moreover, if you are marketing as part of your business, you will realize it even more. It is a basic requirement of any business and a must for anyone who wants to move forward in life. I also run a blog as my side business of marketing.

As we all know that Denzel Washington said in a speech given to an acting group.

“A dream without a goal is just a dream”

A lot of people say Blogs are meant to be viewed and written in the long run… But just writing without an annual goal or plan doesn’t make our dreams come true.

To make your dreams come true, you need to break down short-term goals and set strategies and strategies.

Many of you have goals, right?

Like,1000 visitors per day, monetization of $4000 per month through Adsense or ads, selling products, etc…

But without blog posts and contents marketing, this is just a dream. You can achieve this goal only if you establish specific strategies and tactics for your visual goals and put them into practice.

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habit, said in his book: “Winners and losers have the same goals.”

As mentioned here, winners are people who have planned and implemented ways to make dreams a reality.

Only those who have a goal and create results through methods and practices are the winners in achieving their dreams.

How to plan your content goals

According to finance exports, their asset management is 20% knowledge and 80% action. I think the same goes for people who run a business or blog.

1. Find the right goal for planning your content

Who is the information you are providing on your blog for?

Find the right content goal with this question.

“What is one thing you can do today to get your current project done sooner than planned? Will that make everything else easier or reduce unnecessary work?” The ONE Thing, by authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

For example, ask the question, “What can I do to make things easier or save time for my readers by writing on the topic? What do I need to do to do that?”

For example, I shared a blog post about the morning routine before. I was focused on sharing written information and practical materials to help my audience. I created creating and shared practical materials like a checklist or guide to do well in the morning routine post.

Of course, you can also run a challenge in a community or Facebook group that agrees with this topic. In other words, it is a method that combines information in writing and practice in physical form.

This process will help you clarify your blog goals and focus on the goals that are right for you. Once you’ve found the right goal to focus on, the next step is to make a priority to-do list and focus on your top priority tasks.

content planner goal setting

content planner goal setting

2. Don’t try to multi-task your content goals.

Don’t try to do too much. We all have large and small action lists for goals. And a lot of people want to do all of this. That’s why I often do multi-tasking. Moreover, small businesses or sole proprietors have a lot of weight on these tasks.

However, as the old saying goes, “If you chase two rabbits, you will catch none – a Russian proverb.” Multitasking makes us inefficient, distracting and stressed.

Of course, Multi-Tasking does simple tasks such as washing dishes, talking on the phone, listening to music, and cleaning the house. However, tasks that require intense attention, such as researching a topic, make multitasking less productive and less efficient.

To take my case as an example, when I first started blogging, I tried to write, edit, image, and proofread. I also used to post on social platforms together. I did that to keep posting. Can you imagine how it overwhelmed me?

However, the important thing to remember is the quality of the writing.

My suggestion is that if you start blogging as part of your business’s content marketing, you’ll find that focusing on each task individually can help you do more and create better ones.

By separating tasks into specific processes and doing only one important task at a time, you can do more in less time.

According to James,

“If you try to do more than one task at a time, it can seem busy, but it doesn’t get you to do a quality task. Turn off your phone, close all browser tabs that aren’t related to your task, and get serious and productive.” Jame Clear

In an interview with a former employee, asked about multi-taking. Seeing many job seekers say multitasking is their strength.

The question I asked was the correlation between multitasking and productivity. Many applicants did not respond.

I looked at the employees I was/am working with. The high performers have the same attitude. they are all focused on one thing at a time.

The same goes for blogs. Set a blog writing day, and focus on writing without proofreading.

It goes through several stages before it is completed and released.

Do not try to complete it all at once. Temporarily save the article.

In my case, I set a writing day like this, and temporarily save a month’s worth of drafts (4-5 post topics) for the topics in the content idea.

The point here is to work one at a time. One goal at a time. When we try to pursue more than one goal, we miss the opportunity to do our best and none of them will succeed well.

Once you’ve followed these steps, you can get to your goal by stepping through the process of fleshing out those texts: editing and image creation, sharing necessary, and proofreading.

3. Setting priority content goals.

These three questions are asked when deciding which goal to achieve first.

– Are you realistic about the goals you have now?

-Are there any goals you can give up on?

-Do you have any goals that take precedence over others?

Stephen Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” recommends managing your time according to the Urgent/Important Principle as an effective way to manage your time.

He categorizes and visualizes the to-dos of the time block method that is popular these days into four categories.

Important/Urgent, Important/Not Urgent, Not Important/Urgent, Not Important/Not Urgent.

The idea of ​​using these boxes was created for time management, but prioritizing goals and related tasks from what’s important now to what’s important later, not at all It’s a great tool to help you separate what’s not important.

Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, How to Effectively Manage Your Time

Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, How to Effectively Manage Your Time

Applying this popular time management principle, Amy Lynn Andrews, author of Tell Your Time, visually simplifies daily and weekly tasks based on priority.

The blocks we’re talking about are separated like this: Fixed/Negotiable, Fixed/Negotiable, Flexible/Negotiable, Flexible/Negotiable

Content Time Management by Amy Lynn Andrews, author of Tell Your Time

Content Time Management by Amy Lynn Andrews, author of Tell Your Time

For more about time management tips, please read the post “How to manage time as a business owner.”

For example, suppose your blog’s goal is to maximize revenue from promoting your business. Some of the things you need to do to maintain a blog are writing and editing, generating lead magnets, responding to comments, and networking social media.

Use this matrix to prioritize these tasks as either fixed/non-negotiable. Writing, editing, and social media are uncompromising and urgent. Your blog wouldn’t exist if you didn’t create new content for people to find you and share it on social media. Creating lead magnets and responding to comments is more fixed/negotiable but still important. because

Because you don’t have to do these every day, but at least once a week or when needed.

As with any activity related to time management, use these methods to prioritize long-term and short-term goals. Move goals and related activities while analyzing for importance and urgency, flexibility, or negotiability. Return to the matrix to re-prioritize as you complete your goals or encounter new ones.

You are now ready to reinforce your goals and manage them appropriately. Amazing results are realized here.

4. Increase efficiency with a system that runs smoothly.

It is said that the best way to climb a mountain is to take it one step at a time. In this saying, the top of the mountain is the goal at the time, and step by step is the system.

With this system, you can either reach your goal quickly or fail. And it’s up to you to manage this system. You are the boss.

For example, let’s say you set up a system for writing blog posts. Set aside 30 minutes to an hour a day to create a blog writing time block.

  1. Monday: Gathering an overview of the topic, research, and data sources

  2. Tuesday: Drafting

  3. Wednesday: Editing, proofreading, and creating related images

  4. Thursday: Creating free information sharing documents for blog topics (providing information tailored to blog niches, such as checklists and sample products)

  5. Friday: Final proofreading and social platform post-concept

  6. Saturday: Publish blog posts and proofread social posts

  7. Sunday: Publish social posts and schedule posts

This method is not always followed, but with this system, one post per week can be completed.

You might think that, “When can I expand my blog like this method? It can be too slow” I did too the first time.

But let’s think this way!

You can build a system. Once you figure out which goals you need to focus on first, it’s important to create a system that you can manage every day until you reach those goals.

Posting plan and checklist

Posting plan and checklist

My final thought about the Content goal plan

According to habit expert James Clear, when you break your goals into manageable systems, those systems eventually become habits. And once the system becomes a habit, it no longer takes much effort to achieve that goal.

In short, a simple formula applies.

Goal = System = Habit = Success

Find and set goals that fit your blog in 2022. And you want to focus on one thing at a time to prioritize your goals and increase your efficiency so that you get your best work done and reach your goals in record time. And create a system that breaks down your goals into manageable daily/weekly tasks so you can continue to achieve them.

At last, I would like to share the content planner sample for free.

This free sample planner is a digital planner designed to be used as a note-taking app like Good Note, but you can print it out and use it. It is a PDF file.

The content creator planner in my shop(including dated planner, contents marketing plan, product plan, and launch plan, and more). For my readers, I edit only the content plane section and note section to use for you for free.

(This sample file is hyperlinked only to the content section and notes section)

Grab a Free Content Planner

Do you want to plan your content more productively? Here is a Free sample content planner

More about contents Marketing, you can find information here:


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