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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

How to overcome procrastination.

We all tend to residence doing one thing that’s coming up with. I am going to talk about the science of procrastination and my practical tips to overcome procrastination.


How to Overcome Procrastination

The factors involve procrastination.

According to Book “The Procrastination”, Author Piers Steel describes a useful understanding of procrastination.

Motivation = Expectancy x Value divided by Impulsiveness x Delay Piers Steel

Motivation is the temperament to try and do work, which is the other of procrastination. The more you expect to achieve success, the less you are going to procrastinate on it.

Value refers to what proportion you get pleasure from doing a task, and the way abundant you are going to get pleasure from the reward. The more value you derive from a task or the reward, the more you are gonna get straight to figure.

Impulsiveness refers to your tendency to induce distracted by different things. High impulsivity lures you to Instagram or Facebook rather than doing the work on hand.

Delay refers to the time-lapse till receiving the anticipated reward. The longer the delay, the more you’re to procrastinate, as you work it’s one thing you’ll be able to simply pay attention to later.

Now, we would like to maximize expectancy and worth, as they’re directly proportional to motivation, and we need to attenuate unthoughtful ness and delay, as they’re reciprocally proportional.

Let’s talk about the steps to overcome procrastination.

Tip 1. Break down little steps.

Break down any task you wish to try and do, whether studying or finishing a project, into smaller steps.

Doing this can increase expectancy in our procrastination equation, as smaller tasks appear abundant easier to accomplish than larger ones.

When I start my task, I examine what I have to try and do and ask myself, “What is the smallest, best step that I will take towards this goal?” Make it clear that it takes one second to try and do it. I’ll break it down as little as possible.

You’ll notice that when you have taken a little step, you’ll be able to take a future step, and therefore the next one and therefore the next one.

And if you retain doing that, you will build momentum then you are gonna end up influx then you are gonna be operating on the issue that you have been procrastinating on.

As I noticed, it might be pretty painful and troublesome to require action, though it’s simply little steps.

Tip 2. Keep the task little

One of my favorite study and work methodologies is the Pomodoro methodology. The Pomodoro methodology is a time management technique that aims to provide the user with the most focus and freshness, thereby permitting them to finish quicker and with less mental fatigue.

You work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Every 25-minute work amount is named a “Pomodoro,” named when the Italian word for tomato. Francesco Cirillo used a block timer formed a sort of a tomato as his personal Pomodoro timer, and therefore the method’s name.

After four “Pomodoro” work sessions have passed (100 minutes of labor time with quarter-hour of short breaks), you then take an extended break of 15-30 minutes.

Setting up these tips, after you you have got achievable momentum by taking those little steps and you are feeling rewarded.

Thus, if you do not desire to engage in your project, simply provide yourself with 25 minutes of your time to start.

Will you be thinking about how this helps you start your work?

Let’s think in this manner.

If I sat down to study and told myself I wanted to study for five hours, I’d probably get distracted very easily.

But if I instead tell myself, I solely have to be compelled to study twenty-five minutes on this with a very little task, it becomes less discouraging and it becomes much easier to start.

Tip 3. Set the expectation level low.

Set the goal to one thing but what you were capable of.

I have used this recently for my very own meditation application.

For example, I set out to meditate for 20 minutes every day. However, I only get around to doing it a couple of times per week. And I felt like I never had the time to sit down and do 20 minutes of meditation, so I disappointed myself. As a result, I tend to do procrastinate.

So, I lowered my expectations by planning to meditate for simply five minutes a day. By lowering the expectation, I found myself meditating most days and although I set the goal as simply five minutes, I nearly always exceeded it.

Tip 4. Pleasure from the expertise of finishing tasks.

Do you ever desire learning or work is boring?

What if you don’t support the immediate outcomes of the task?

Let’s say you do not understand what you would like or even you have got unclear priorities.

These examples all point to a low value in our equation. An increase in value will help us overcome procrastination.

So how can we increase value?

One way is by giving yourself a gift for finishing a task.

For example, you’ll be able to reward yourself with a healthy and engaging meal or by hanging out together with your friends when and solely when you end your task. It needs self-discipline.

Alternatively, you’ll be able to improve the experience of the work itself.

The work gets more and more focused on work you truly enjoy.

To improve the experience of study or work, think about mixing up your work environments or paying attention to nice study music.

For me, getting my work done while listening to music is ideal for working or studying.

Using my favorite playlists saved on Spotify.

One of them is termed Deep Focus mindful music.

You’ll be able to find these kinds of music simply on YouTube.(Refer to as Study with me channels). That is very atmospheric–not essentially intense, however, generally, it’s calming.

The other one is termed Korean music like BTS music. I used to enjoy that music when I was in Korea.

Feel free to line the mood in your house no matter what works for you.

Tip 5. Set your study or work environment setting.

We can all agree that distractions are one of the largest killers to our productivity.

Avoiding distractions, approach them prophylactically by crafting a work environment that minimizes distractions.

In doing so, therefore, we’re decreasing impulsivity in our motivation equation.

For me, in doing this, I put my phone on plane mode, or “do not disturb” mode, and go full screen with the work on hand.

Ensure you minimize your digital distractions.

I have found that the other form of distraction is notifications from the phone, smartwatch, or laptop. If you want to turn off these notifications, it is your choice, depending on your work style or personality.

Tip 6. Visualise your day and week.

At last, I’d prefer to advise that you simply will strive is to meditate and visualize your goal with writing the journal in the morning.

Sometimes we have a tendency not to focus on our work as a result of our mind is, therefore, distracted.

So it’s helpful you can do short meditation and journalling for 2 or 3 sentences in the morning.

I’ve been doing miracle morning routine practice and that helps me dramatically.

As we all know, meditation affects where you clear your mind, you calm yourself, and you can also set your intentions during meditation to focus on whatever you want to focus on.

Every day, after a short meditation, I write down all the things that are on my mind, get them out of my mind and onto paper.

And then I usually start giving myself to prepare myself to get into the mindset to work.

I will visualize my goal, and I’m my motivator in my journal.

Setting the intention for about to work and being productive.

In Conclusion.

Of the previous 6 tips, those are my tips on how to beat procrastination.

I hope it helped you.

I’d love to hear from you what other tools, or tips you use to overcome procrastination.


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