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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

How To Live a Simple Life – Beginner guide

Simple life guide

Simple life guide

How To Live a Simple Life

A lot of people say they want a simple life, but it’s hard to know what exactly that means, or how to achieve it. Today, I would like to talk about how to live a simple life and the benefit of a simple

What Does Simple Life Mean?

Well, let’s avoid the cliche of giving the dictionary definition. Instead, let’s take a look at what people often think of when they hear this phrase:

The common perceptions of simple life

  1. minimalism: having fewer things, and only what is needed

  2. old fashioned living: rejecting modernity and living like it’s the past

  3. frugal living: living below your means and saving as much money as possible

  4. self-sufficiency: creating everything you need and buying as little as possible

And all of these are not wrong, but none of them are quite right. Because the opposite of simple is not modern, expensive, or dependent. The opposite of simple is: complicated.

But as you’ll see, that doesn’t mean that it is easy.

Simplicity Basics

The pursuit of a simple life is about rejecting what is unnecessarily complicated. It’s about

  1. pursuing people over things

  2. living with less

  3. enjoying the small things in life

  4. no longer chasing more, more more

  5. being happy with what you have

Going Deeper Into Simple Living

Let’s take a look deeper.

Rejecting what is unnecessarily or complicated? Does that mean making life as easy as possible?

My answer is No.

Because easy things often complicate life in their own way, because they are expensive and trap you in a certain lifestyle. For instance, If you decide to stop cooking and go out to eat for every meal because it’s easy, you will likely find yourself in poor health and credit card debt.

Here is another example.

You have a high-stressful job with a long commute, but the paycheck is high enough to cover your luxuries and convenience. On the downside, you don’t have time with family, have always work pressure. One Day, you get health issues due to stress and overwork. You decided to change to a job that pays less but is within walking distance to your house and has a nice boss.

You figure out already, this is my story.

The is not just that some of these things are expensive and some are not. It’s that the first set requires a value beyond money.

Time and stress complicated my life. When I was making decisions, try to think about which one was complicated and which one would bring my happiness and peace.

This is the essence of simple living.

So How Do I Live A Simple Life?

Well, it’s…simple. But not easy. As you know my story, I have made a lot of mistakes to change our way of living. Witn my experiance, I woul likt to share some tips.

Here are six things to consider as you work towards a life of simplicity.

1. Be more Less and Simple

We’ve all know the word “it’s not getting what you want. it’s wanting what you’ve got.” And so it is. Everyone knows that getting what you want, makes you happy for a short time. you will be satisfied with the wants you got forever. You are on to wanting the next thing. We will desire more and more such as money, politicians and power, and in so many other ways. So… how do you overcome this learn to be happy with what you have?

You have to find a way to want less.

So how can we actually accomplish this?

You can start by limiting your exposure to TV, social media, and other things that are designed to make you want more things. If you have certain friends who cause you to feel like you are not satisfactory, you may need to limit your time with them as well.

And as you’ll see, staying busy has a way of curing this too.

2. Work Hard For a value of life Than Money

Making your life easier is not the point. We often think of people in the past living a simple life compared to the modern world.

Think differently…

You have reset your desires and expectations through all that your happiness and life value.

For instance, you wake up early and go weed your garden for an hour. After that, you have a nice shower and drink a cup of coffee. How do you feel? For sure, you will feel great, even though you slept less.

Find something, that is hard work. Stop worrying about always trying to save time and money, and get to work. And watch how your level of satisfaction with what you have changed.

This is how you find a way to not get what you want, but want what you have.

3. Quit Anything That Leaves You Feeling Overwhelmed

So… hard work is a valuable part of simple living.

Does that mean you should embark on a new and complicated project, like getting a law degree, even though you hate reading?

No. There is a difference between working hard and being overwhelmed.

If you have many young children, the idea of simply grocery shopping might be more than you can handle. There is nothing wrong with paying a little more for grocery delivery in times like this. Even though it costs more, it still makes your life more simple.

There are so many things in life that we think we have to do, when the reality is, 99% of what we spend our time on is optional.

Simple living asks you to get rid of all those things you hate and spend time on what matters.

4. Stop comparing with others’ life.

So very often, we add things to our life, because we feel like others think we should, or because other people are doing it and therefore we think we should.

Before you buy a new thing, think about why you are doing it. Ask yourself, “Is it to impress others? Because your friends have one and you feel like you should have one too?” “It is necessary for my value of life

Of course, you will feel embarrassed by being different from others. Let’s think this way. You live your life differently because you want to. You don’t live for stuff that shows off to others.

Once you realize that everyone gets to live their own life, you will find that decisions like this are easier. Also, I would like to say that “no one is paying too much attention to what you own or don’t own”. The pressure that you thought does not come from other people. That actually comes from yourself.

No one else will judge you. You need to stop judging yourself.

If you stop trying to compare your lifestyle to people, you’ll find that everything becomes simpler

5. Decluttering.

You can simplify your life by making your living space simpler. This doesn’t have to mean minimalism, but it can.

It seems like many people think of decluttering as the most important part of simplicity. It’s definitely the most visible thing.

Decluttering is very personal because no one can tell you what you really need.

But almost all of us are hanging on to things that we no longer need or want. Everything from dishes to credit cards to email subscriptions to books can be pared down. Don’t think of this as getting rid of things, but as making room for the things you really love and use.

Make a list of the living spaces in your house. Make sure every space has a function, and that every item in that space helps it fulfill that function. If you store items where they are used, it’s easy to see the function of a space and figure out what really belongs there.

Go through your kitchen, your wardrobe, your kitchen, and all the other things of life. Commit to spending just moments a day decluttering and you’ll be amazed at the progress you make in just a few months. If you do it properly, you’ll only have to do it once

Here is the easy guide for a Clutter-free home workbook to start a life challenge.

Easy Guide for Clutter-Free home and mind Workbook

Easy Guide for Clutter-Free home and mind Workbook

6. Start Creating Time For yourself

We have been talking mostly about getting rid of things: stress, clutter, overwhelm and comparing others. And now we have to think about what we want to keep.

What are the things that matter for your value?

That would be “More time with your family” “Space to start your hobby” “Travel to a place you’ve always wanted to go”

Some people find it helpful to write a bucket list of their goal planner.

You can organize your time to add your life value.

Plan for decluttering and 5 steps to follow

Plan for decluttering and 5 steps to follow

Is It Better To Live A Simple Life?

That’s a fair question. A lot of this sounds hard, so you want to know if it’s worth it or not.

Let me ask you! Isn’t it better to just make life easier?

When you see the social media posts of your friend’s holiday photos or new stuff, you get jealous. But you don’t know the stress in their life and the real cost of all the things they have.

This question is something only you can answer. You get to pick what you want your life to be. Try some of the tips and ideas listed here and see where it takes you.

In my experience, A simple life has been to get rid of complicated things, and stressful situations. And add to a value that makes me happy. I have enjoyed less stress, better health, and more quality time with people I love. This is my simple life.


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