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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

How are you managing your time?

There are many successful people out there. They always look busy, but they actually manage their time and day well. Have ever thought about how to manage the time?

Do you know why successful people achieve so much? It’s not because they have some divine knowledge that the rest of the world doesn’t possess. Neither is it because they are magically given more hours in the day than everyone else.

Apart from their hard work, it’s because they manage their time exceptionally well. Every hour of their day is filled with doing something productive that relates to a specific goal.

Plan qoute by Antonine e Saint-Exupery

Plan qoute by Antonine e Saint-Exupery

An average person’s daily routine

  1. They roll out of bed an hour before work

  2. Rush to get ready

  3. Have breakfast if they have time

  4. Go to work

  5. Come home

  6. Have dinner

  7. Sit in front of the TV watching fruitless entertainment

  8. Go to bed

  9. Wake up in the morning and do it all again

  10. Can’t wait until Friday

  11. Get depressed on Sunday

Does this routine sound familiar to you?

Now, here is the daily routine of Succeessful people:

  1. Wake up at 4 am

  2. Has breakfast

  3. Run-on the running machine for an hour at the same time as listening to educational podcasts

  4. Read the newspaper

  5. Has a shower

  6. Gets to work

This is just a snapshot of his daily routine.

However, can you see how different it is to the average person?

Here are some tips on how to manage your time better.

Wake Up Earlier

One of the many reasons why successful people are where they are in life is because they wake up before everyone else. While the rest of the world is in bed, they are up doing what they need to do to ensure their goals are achieved.

I am not telling you to wake up at 4 a.m. but you can start by waking up an hour earlier than you normally would and seeing what type of a difference it makes to your level of productivity.

Recently many people follow this habit to get up early. Isn’t that scary? people around you are getting more productive.

Have Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It sets you up for success. Having breakfast fuels your brain prepares you for the task at hand.


A healthy body equals a healthy mind. Get the blood circulating in your body first thing in the morning and you will be fired up and ready for everything that you need to do.

If you are an introvert like me, try out 30 minutes of Yoga and meditation in the morning. It helps you relax and flexible your boy and clarifies your mind. For more information, please read “MEDITATION GUIDE: HOW TO START MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS”

Work on Your Goals

The first thing in the morning is the best time to work on your goals. This is when you have the most energy and willpower, at the end of the day, you are tired, you don’t have much energy left and you are not as productive.

Write A To-Do List

Most people plow through their day with no real direction. When you know where you are going, you are more likely to get there. Write a to-do list before you go to bed and carry it with you throughout the day.

As you get each task done, tick it off. You will feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction that you have successfully managed to complete what you set out to do.

I have bonus tips for you! When you start to practice for the first time, planning a day or making a to-do list might be hard. Why don’t you try to write down what you did at the end of the night for a week or a month (I would like to call it a “Done List”) After that you will find out the regular tasks you have done every day. Apart from these lists, add 1 thing you really want to do, and start doing. Once it becomes a habit, you can try another thing.

We have a one-month undated digital planner in our freebie library. you can grab this and plan your day.

Let’s try a simple habits

This is just the beginning. Once you gain momentum and start waking up earlier, you will really see a difference in your productivity levels and the number of things you are able to accomplish throughout the day.

If you don’t have a plan for your life, you cannot achieve your dream.

There are dreamers and there are planners; the planners make their dreams come true. by Edwin Louis Cole.

Plan quote by Edwin Louis Cole

Plan quote by Edwin Louis Cole.


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