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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

Five tips to know before starting an online business.

If you are starting an online business, you may feel overwhelmed and anxious. You may be wondering where to start. I would like to share some tips you should know before starting a business.

What do I need to do to get my online business started?

What if I fail and waste time and money on this dream of mine?

I have thought about these fears and questions over and over. I believe you are the same as me.

The fear of failure is paralyzing, but just like a skydiver about to jump out of a plane, you should take the leap.

As we all know, a skydiver isn’t going to jump out of a plane without the proper equipment.

Business is the same. If you start without proper preparation, disaster can strike your whole business, straining relationships and digging you into a financial hole.

I am sharing some tips to help you before starting an online business.

5-tips to know before starting an online business

Five tips to know before starting an online business.

1. Be passionate and commit to it.

You don’t have to love every aspect of your business but you should be passionate about what you do. Because You’re going to devote a lot of time and energy while building it into a successful business.

It’s really important that you deeply enjoy what you do

Also, you have to make a commitment.

Starting a business will require consistent work, experimentation, and sacrifice.

As I mentioned last blog post “CREATING SYSTEMS IS THE BUSINESS OWNER’S HABIT.”, the business owner has a commitment to their activities as habits.

By doing this, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful business owner.

Write down a list of all the commitments you have right now with the amounts of time you devote to each of them during your week.

Take notes that lessen what you need to do, what investment to be involved in.

Have to take the time to prepare for starting a business.

2. Validate your business idea with your niche market

That is the number one rule, before creating your idea. Most businesses fail is a lack of market need for their product.

And that includes blog ideas, podcast niches, selling your services or your products

You need to fully validate your idea and get honest feedback from potential customers before building, creating, and spending money.

Unfortunately, some of our business concepts and product ideas are often not fully thought out, useful, or even properly researched.

To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, start with the people you know, then expand from there.

Work your way down this list:

  1. Friends & family

  2. Co-workers

  3. Former co-workers

  4. Other people you’ve worked with

  5. Classmates or former classmates from school

  6. Teachers or professors you’ve had

  7. Fellow members in clubs, societies, groups or meetup networks you’re in

Look for people you know, who you think may have an interest in what you’re building.

Then, among those who have expressed interest in your idea, ask them if they can think of anyone else they know who might be excited about what you’re working on.

Increase your efforts and obtain more qualified referrals so that you can continue having conversations with your target audience

3. Differentiation

Think about what makes your business unique.

What are the strengths of your competitors?

As you validate your idea, think about what makes it unique compared to everything else out there.

That allows you to generate greater sales or margins and/or acquire & retain more customers than other competitors.

This comes in the form of your cost structure, product offering, distribution network, customer support, or elsewhere in the business.

It may be your own personal skill set (your experience, storytelling ability, or industry knowledge), strategic relationships, or the personal brand you’ve built.

Write down what your competitive advantage is.

Continually building strength is an essential step in the process of starting, growing, and staying in business. Your product, service, and outward messaging will all tell the world why they need your product or service.

4. Set your SMART goals.

You’ll waste a lot of time if you don’t set attenable goals and realistic deadlines for yourself.

In my experience, setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals for myself works best. It assists me in adhering to both short-term and long-term goals.

The further you plan your goals and deadlines, the more difficult it will be to make them realistic. Having these specific goals and deadlines in place will keep you on track and moving forwards.

5. Take a time and Don’t give up

It may be a while before your new business actually makes any profits. Please be aware of the fact. This will take time. Making stable business won’t happen overnight. Amount of time, the effort requires.

I personally recommend that you don’t quit your job when you want to start a business. Start as a side hustle first, unless you have some funds to live for 1-3years with zero income.

Being employed while you’re starting out means you will have money in your pocket to invest in the business, as well as to ensure you are able to keep up with your monthly living

5-tips to know before starting an online business


Starting your business while working a full-time job will undoubtedly be difficult, but it’s doable.

Now you really want to start a business, let’s start creating the business plan.

Creating a business plan will allow you to better understand both operational and financial goals, providing crucial budget and marketing strategies.

The main reason for doing a business plan first when you’re thinking of starting a business is that it can help you avoid pouring your time and money into something that will not succeed.

Take these steps into account, and you’ll be well on your way to being your own boss.

For more about how I started an online business as a side hustle, please read this blog post.


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