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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

Change Your Morning Habits – Morning Meditation Guide

Many people join the challenges to change their morning habits, meditate, write in a journal, and prepare for a more productive day. Today, I am talking about how to meditate effectively as one of the morning habits.

The morning routine we do can have a significant impact on the rest of the day. That’s why it’s so much easier to start the morning with the right habit to get the momentum for the day when you can be more focused, calm, and much more confident.

As we well know, meditation is a great way to put yourself at the center, open your mind and connect with the deeper parts of your inner being so that you can easily access your inner voice. This conversation with your inner self is a great exercise to achieve a state where you want to be more consistent throughout the day.

Morning Meditation

Do you want a less stressed-sensitive, more caring, and grateful life?

Morning meditation is usually a great way to get to know yourself better by being aware of everything that might be preventing you from living each moment more fully.

Since your daily habits influence your lifestyle, morning meditation can help set the mood for the day in a way that makes life more enjoyable and peaceful.

If you are interested in mediation, the “Meditation Guide -how to start Meditation Fro Beginner” will help you.

So, what are the benefits of morning meditation for us?

Benefits of morning meditation

1. You can utilize alpha brain waves.

The theory of EEG is a bit difficult, but I will explain it with the knowledge and experience I have learned while meditating.

When we are active, high-level thinking throughout the day, our brain waves are called Beta. And while we sleep, our brain waves are in a Delta state. It is said that our brain wave state just before we fall asleep or just before we fully wake up is going through the Alpha state. It is a state between the conscious and the unconscious. Brainwaves in a relaxed, open, receptive, and creative state.

Of course, meditating can lead our brain waves to an alpha state, but meditating already in an alpha state can be more effective.

Approaching the alpha state in meditation can train the mind to be less reactive when intentionally practicing the desired state of being, which means more compassion, calmness, joy, gratitude, etc.

2. You can focus on a clear goal.

The reason for self-improvement or self-care is to build a better life through what you truly want within yourself. It is a self-care ritual that allows you to communicate with your inner self first in the day through morning meditation.

If the first thing you do when you wake up is to check your phone, you are immediately influenced by the expectations, desires, and worries of others.

If you feel like you are running on an endless road like a marathon runner, we recommend visualizing your days through morning meditation.

Visualizing your day can help you figure out what is most important to you today. Based on the inner voice you feel in your morning meditation, you can set clear goals for the next day. This makes it easier for you to focus on what matters most, even when your inevitable distraction is distracted.

Make a plan for how you will spend the day after your morning meditation. While meditating, you will find that you are more calm and compassionate and can simply do it without trying or pushing too hard.

If you can feel this serene state of being while meditating, imagine extending it into your day as you transition from meditation to “everyday life”.

3. It can awaken the senses.

Start your day with a guided morning meditation that awakens your body and allows you to relax and unwind throughout the day. A powerful mindfulness meditation you can use to reconnect with your body when you wake up. The BodyScan Meditation Guide is to become aware of your body and your senses.

For example,

  1. Feel the feeling of lying in bed.

  2. How does it feel to lie on your mattress?

  3. How does it feel to take the first few breaths when you wake up?

  4. Can you understand the resting state your body can feel when you wake up?

So, how do you make this morning meditation a habit?

How to Maintain a Morning Meditation Habit

As we all know well, it is not easy to create good habits. Nevertheless, we continue to do so.

The habit of daily meditation, too. Sometimes sitting alone and simply taking time is not easy to do consistently.

It often feels easier to jump right into today’s to-do list or pay attention to the needs of your loved ones.

Don’t be discouraged by that. It’s perfectly normal. Because I did too.

Here are some tips to make morning meditation a habit.

1. Set your fixed time block.

If you decide to meditate in the morning, set a fixed time during the day to meditate. And keep doing it until it feels natural. It doesn’t have to be a long time in the first place. Do it for 5-10 minutes.

In my case, I wake up at 4.30 AM in the morning, wash my face, and immediately turn on meditation music or a guided meditation app to meditate. After meditating, write down what I felt while meditating in my meditation journal. After that, practice the 514 Challenge (It is the Korean community morning challenge name, similar to Miracle Morning). Still, it is 7:00 in the morning, so there is plenty of time to prepare for work.

2. Connect with other morning habits

I meditate every day, and my meditation journal is a good example of that. Link other desired habits with your established meditation habits. You can do meditation and yoga together, or you can write a three-line gratitude diary after meditation.

One powerful way to create a new habit is to connect it with something else you are already doing.

3. Don’t compromise.

If you decide to meditate in the morning, get out of bed, wash your face, and meditate immediately.

I suggest that you meditate first before making your coffee in the morning or checking your email or social feeds. This can make meditation an uncompromising part of your morning routine.

4. Write down your reasons for meditating in a visible place.

Write down your goals and intentions as to why you want to meditate, then read through them. It’s easier to stay motivated to stick with positive habits when it’s clear why you want to do it.

Ask yourself why you wanted to meditate in the first place. Write this down and read it whenever you don’t want to meditate that morning.

5. Create a cozy morning meditation space

There is no right or wrong to meditating, but having a space that makes your heart flutter every morning can make your meditation more enjoyable. It is possible to meditate in bed, but the association of being in your usual sleeping place can make you tired and fall asleep again.

Start your day by making morning meditation a habit.

One of the questions that beginners ask is whether it is difficult to listen to a specific guided meditation every day or do it through meditation music.

Some people like to do the same meditation every morning, while others like to change the meditation depending on how they feel when they wake up. Do which ways you are comfortable with.

In addition to guided meditation, if you want to feel your inner self flowing while listening to music, meditation music is also good. If music brings you more to the present moment, this can be a great way to start your day.

There are many tools for meditation. There is meditation music, there are meditation apps, and there are group meditation sessions.

However, the important thing is to build a habit that is persistent and lasting. When you do it consistently without getting tired, you will feel like morning meditation beames naturally.

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