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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

7 Tips for Efficient Time Management

With our busy daily life, we lose ourselves with countless to-do lists. Today we are going to get rid of unnecessary things and look at habits and ways to manage time effectively.

Time management tips

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with your daily “to-do list”? Have you ever seen yourself scrolling through social media with important to-dos behind you? At the end of the day, couldn’t you sleep, because of unfinished work?

“Yeah, I do!” If you say this raw, the time has come for you to empty it. Of course, I did feel the same way.

To be empty is to give you control/control over your own work. It means identifying what is most important to you. Also, you can make it a habit to delete or delegate unnecessary or less important tasks.

When you focus on what’s important and feel calm about your work, you regain a sense of accomplishment and calmness.

Now, let’s figure out these signs of busyness and find out how to solve them.

Transformation of habits for efficient time management

1. Breathing – Relaxation of the mind

If you have too many to-do lists and you’re running out of time, let’s change it now. Take a moment to breathe.

If you have to do a lot of work, you need to free up your body and mind. Remember that excitement and impatience are temporary emotions, and you can deal with them with the right plan to deal with them.

A good way is to meditate for 5 to 10 minutes before starting work. At least, it is good to close your eyes for a moment and draw a picture of yourself today.

If you want to know more about meditation, read “MEDITATION GUIDE: HOW TO START MEDITATION FOR BEGINNER

2. Empty.- Remove clutter.

Empty your workspace of things that make it impossible to concentrate.

For example, do you have a recurring alarm in your calendar that expired a few months ago? Are there unnecessary meetings or appointments? Erase it.

In other words, the next stage of growth begins with subtraction.

According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Why People Underestimate Time to Complete Tasks

We tend to overestimate what we can do while underestimating the time and energy required. Researchers call this the “planning” error. The result is that you try to do too much and fall short each time. -the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Research

So let’s look at the habit of emptying that we can make in our daily life.

  1. Donate old clothes.

  2. Clean up the clutter of your office desk.

  3. Put it in your text message notification window that you will be away for a while.

  4. Scan your calendar for old appointments or meetings that are consuming your precious time, energy, and attention.

We add many habits or routines to form habits. However, what we do to create a habit is to get used to it by replacing bad habits with good ones, rather than starting new ones from scratch.

It is to replace the habit of cluttering around and unconditionally piling up with a habit of emptying. By emptying and removing things you don’t need from your life, you can create the breathing space you need.

With this new perspective, you can now identify what is important.

If you want to know how to declutter work tasks and space, please read “How to declutter your workspace and work commitment”

3. Identify “Top 3” Priorities

You have new ideas and projects, and you tend to get excited in general. At this point, if we don’t prioritize our to-do list, we get overwhelmed by the task.

For example, when planning a new project, you will do this.

  1. Get more revenue from new marketing campaigns.

  2. Increase the potential of the brand by collaborating with experts.

  3. YouTube and podcasts promote brands and generate revenue

However, there is a pitfall here. We tend to do too many things at once. This means dispersing and focusing your limited energy over too many areas.

First, take a minimal approach to your life, career, and business, as a habit for small wins.

Once you have set your annual goals, break them down into quarters. And choose your 3 main priorities in a given quarter or “season”.

Is it difficult to set priorities? If so, try writing at least 15-20 to-do lists first. Then take a step back and highlight the most important thing. By asking yourself questions, you can filter your decisions.

This is how you brainstorm, apply “Eisenhower’s time management method”(from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People written by Stephen Covey) to determine importance and priorities, and identify tasks to delegate or eliminate.

Of course, not everything you do all day is perfect. But this alone will help you make faster and better decisions, set boundaries, and regain control over what’s important. That way, you’ll start winning the day with consistent action every day.

If you want to know how I use these time management tips to manage my content, read “HOW TO SET UP THE CONTENT GOAL PLAN FOR 2022

4. Small victories combine to create success.

Successful people have characteristics in common. It doesn’t happen overnight. It was created through continuous growth through continuous-time, effort, and small wins every day. With this rule, you can make your daily progress a habit and motivate you the most.

A study by Harvard professor Teresa Amabile and psychologist Steven Kramer explains why people stay motivated at work.

Analyzing 12,000 diaries that tracked their emotional states multiple times a day, they came to one conclusion. No money, no security, no authorization. Progress is paramount. – The Progress Principle The Progress Principle written by Teresa Amabile & Stev Kramer

If you’re running an online business and planning your marketing, you can break down your two-step priorities into the smallest possible tasks in your grant marketing plan based on these principles.

For example, instead of “creating a marketing plan,” start with the first step, brainstorming a marketing idea for 20 minutes. Instead of “Getting Started with Your Website”, choose to draft my intro page.

As the performance of these little things builds up day by day, progress triggers dopamine in the brain, triggering a spike in motivation, and the cycle repeats. As the 1% of today and tomorrow starts to accumulate, the gradual growth turns exponentially.

5. Refrain from saying that you are busy.

In the past, I used to say that I was always busy. Are you like that too? Then I suddenly realized that telling me that I was busy was meant to let others know. It was meant to be seen as a social badge of honor for a busy person and to let others know that you are important.

But it wasn’t really working. For a long time, I’ve been overwhelmed by being busy, and distracted, which often leads to social media scrolling.

Studies have shown that language allows us to look into our beliefs. If we feel that we are always busy and do not have enough time, it is easy to procrastinate on important tasks and self-interrupt.

Change your words, use words like priority, focus, and commitment, and observe how this changes your emotional state.

6. Celebrate victory every day

We tend to ignore our little successes/growths. Perhaps the reason we want to succeed is that we want to live a better today than yesterday. If you’ve got a little better today, how about praising this little success?

Celebrating and appreciating small successes is acknowledging that we are progressing well towards our goals. You should encourage, support, and appreciate progress as you would treat a friend who loves you.

The easiest way to do this is to write a gratitude journal before you go to sleep. Say thank you to yourself for completing your “Top 3 Most Important Thing” you did today.

There was a time when I was not sure what to be thankful for when I first wrote a gratitude journal. Then I left a single line of gratitude for the things I had done that day. Being my own friend like that has helped me a lot with motivation.

How about keeping a gratitude journal?

How about keeping a gratitude journal?

You can visit our shop to find out “self-love JOURNAL” for those who want to form a better habit or write a journal.

7. Ask for help.

If too many things are out of control, ask for help. It also helps you grow.

These days, you have to do the things that are difficult for many people who run a side job or business alone.

However, I have seen many cases of slowing down and giving up because they cannot do everything alone.

Hiring a virtual assistant or entrusting it to your teammates if you’re working in a team is all about getting you out of the sad state of discouragement and giving up and getting your plans done efficiently.

Conclusion: Now is the time to empty it.

We all felt there was too much on our plate at some point, and more and more things are popping up.

If you look at blogging girdle, for example, you are competing alone, posting to blogs, posting to many social media platforms, sending emails, creating and posting videos, and more.

But remember. The reality is that it will only get worse if you don’t control this now.

Your life is yours to control and manage. Get rid of the urge to do everything, and get rid of the things you don’t need or can delegate to others.

Clarify your priorities and complete your top 3 things a day. Best of all, you will find that you are moving forward and growing in your life and business.

So my favorite word is “growth,” not “success.”

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