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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

10 Proven Ways to Create a Healthy habit Routine

In today’s article, I am going to talk about 10 proven ways to create a healthy routine. A healthy routine will help you get healthier and achieve your goals.

Repeated lifestyle habits have a great impact on our daily lives.

It’s not just about health, but also about success at work.

Adhering to good habits and trying to change bad habits can make a big difference in our lives.

I read the book “Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod last year.

After that, I have been practice a “morning routine challenge” for over 90days now. My morning routine has helped me to form a new habit throughout my daily life.


10 Proven ways to Create Healthy Habits

What is a habit?

What is a habit?

Do you have good habits?

A habit is something you do regularly as part of your daily routine. Over time, these things become habits if you do them long enough.

If you have good habits, it will help you grow. If you keep bad habits, you will stagnate.

The reason why drinking water enough is important and get healthy habits to your daily routine.

Let’s take a look at some good habits for a healthy life that you can create in your daily life.

Good Habits for a Healthy Life

1. Drink plenty of water

We all know that drinking water is important. Drinking enough water will help you stay healthy.

As you all know, drinking enough water can improve your skin, hair, and nails and remove toxins from your body.

I start my day with a glass of cold water as soon as I wake up in the morning.

Do you know 6 reasons why you should drink plenty of water or other fluids every day?

Why it is good to drink water.

  1. Drinking water helps to maintain the balance of body fluids.

  2. Helps control calories.

  3. To activate the muscles.

  4. Keep skin beautiful.

  5. Water helps your kidneys.

  6. Water helps maintain normal intestinal function.

Looking back on my past routine, I drank less than 1 liter of water a day.

In order to create a new routine, I always carry a bottle of water in my bag, and my water intake starts to increase.

If you want to drink more water, try increasing your water intake with these few tips.

  1. Drink with any snack or meal.

  2. Choose your favorite drink. If you do not like water, you can substitute lemon water or herbal tea.

  3. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have a high water content. I like cucumbers, so I always have them as a snack.

  4. Always keep a bottle of water in your bag and drink it whenever you see it.

2. Exercise.

It’s not just about running or going to the gym. Any kind of exercise means doing it on a regular basis in your daily life.

I started doing 20-minute yoga as a morning routine, and I’ve been doing it consistently, even for a short time.

It was difficult at first, honestly. I have been doing yoga with consistent practice, it gradually became easier and became a part of the daily routine.

3. Read every day

The method I have chosen to reduce stress is reading and meditation.

I do the Moning Routine Challenge and read a book for 30 minutes every morning, after meditation and yoga.

The great thing about reading books is that there are so many genres to choose from that you never run out of things to read.

If you don’t have much time, reading one or two pages a day is enough, and better than not reading at all.

4. Express gratitude.

It is said that it is difficult to find good and happy things nowadays. There are so many negative things in the world like these days.

But let’s think differently.

I am grateful that I am alive in the morning. I am, also, grateful that my husband is sleeping next to me peacefully.

Isn’t that great? Every small moment is so precious.

In this way, you become grateful for the things that you overlook in your daily life.

Gratitude for every little thing is good for your mental health.

To get into the habit of being grateful every day, write down 3 things you are grateful for in a journal.

If keeping a journal is not easy, try to write down three things a day that you are grateful for that day. I believe that the more you try to express gratitude for what you have, the more things you can be grateful for.

5. Eat healthily

There is a saying that a healthy diet makes a healthy body and mind.

A healthy daily habit is to eat nutritious food.

Eat less processed foods and cook with healthy foods.

Try switching your snacks to fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

Also, try the mindful eating that I introduced last week. You can learn to eat less and be healthy.


10 healthy habits for daily routine

6. Create a Housekeeping Routine

Have you ever spent all day cleaning on your day off?

It is difficult to keep a house neat and clean. However, 15-20 minutes of cleaning a day can make a tidy house.

  1. Do dishes immediately after eating

  2. Put the used items back in their place after they are used up

  3. Wake up and make the bed (honestly, it takes less than 2 minutes)

  4. Run a vacuum cleaner for each space. For example, I clean one place a day. One day vacuuming the living room, another day the bedroom, and so on. By doing this, I no longer have to spend all my time cleaning on my days off.

7. Learn mindfulness

We often worry about things that haven’t happened yet.

Through Mindfulness Meditation, I am learning to focus on the present moment, feel it, and live life to the fullest.

How about you?

Are you still worried about the future that hasn’t happened yet?

If you practice the good habits of the present and do your best in the present, the value of life will change. We live in the present, not the past or the future.


8. Keep closer to good news and good people.

The digital world has become a big part of our daily life.

I hear the news of the world going on online, and I ask for the health of my family and friends online.

As such, we are changing the way we think and live with the media.

But even this way of life has its drawbacks. It’s hard to judge good or bad in the flood of media that is commonplace.

But shouldn’t we be wise to deal with these changes in the times?

When I hear a lot of bad news, I find myself feeling down without realizing it. Stay away from fiction and bad news, just as you avoid gossip lovers at work.

If you don’t feel comfortable scrolling through YouTube or social media, please unsubscribe. If you cannot see misfortune, you will not feel it.

9. Reduce Screen Time

Related to the previous topic, make a screen timeout time.

As more and more screen time affects our health and eyesight, it’s important to make a conscious effort to limit screen time.

What do you do while waiting for a friend or waiting for a meeting to start?

It was five minutes before a meeting at work a while ago. I saw everyone in the office looking at their mobile phones. And it felt very natural.

I consciously made up my spare time and replaced it with reading, walking, and drawing. This is a time that is focused solely on me. As a result, I feel that I am able to come up with more creative ideas.

You should try it too. You will feel that your life becomes much richer.

10. Stick to the routine

A good daily habit is the right way to reach your goals and investing in yourself.

If you plan your day and live according to your routine, you are getting closer to the life you want.

Start with small habits and stick with them by creating good daily habits.

If you consistently practice good habits of 0.5% per day, good habits will grow with the power of compound interest just like stocks. Conversely, if you continue to have bad habits, that too will have a big impact later on.

For example, if you have been drinking heavily for over a year, you will have health problems.

This is why the power of habit is so important.

There are books that explain the power of small habits well and teach you how to put them into practice. James Clear Atomic Habits. I recommend that you read it. You can also join James Clear’s community to receive great quotes and practice every week. I get inspired every week by his email.


It’s been 90 days since I started my morning routine. Putting this method into practice, this routine is now becoming almost routine. Every day I write a journal, I see myself change. Of course, my health also improved.

This is how I have changed my habits and become happier. I hope it helps you as well.

What routine are you doing? We’d love to hear from you.


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